Student review [35938] for Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Student review [#35938] for Games Studies
at Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Enschede, The Netherlands
Games Studies
25 Oct, 2022
Saxion - CMGT 2.5/5

Saxion – CMGT – Creative Media and Game Technologies – 2.5/5

TLDR: I only recommend the CMGT course to someone who is already disciplined to REALLY study the gaming topic they are interested in outside the dedicated time for the university. If you are looking for a course that makes you “game industry ready” look elsewhere.

I finished the CMGT (Creative Media and Game Technologies) course as an artist in 2022. I went to Saxion (Enschede) with the dream of becoming a concept artist for video games (as advertised on the official website), after 4 years and €10000 dept I can say that I would have gotten the same knowledge out of top €1000 in relevant courses. A lot of the topics we went through are just “oh that’s interesting to know, so when can I learn to draw concept art?”. There was a lack of focus for artist in general (2D and 3D), you never get deep into any topic and most things except the bare basics are for you to learn in your own time.
In addition, the amount of actual gaming projects is laughable for a course that advertises itself as gaming focused.
But there were good things, even great things. The fellow students were very great partners and the teachers are knowledgeable and easy going. There is a very low focus on “memorize this and write it down” type test. 95% of the (art) grades are project based, meaning you create something (concepts, prototypes etc.) with other CMGT students (Other branches of CMGT are programmer and designer).
Enschede itself is a great city to life in, with more than enough places to visit to fill the years with activities. In the last 2 years the students focus on larger projects, and for me, it was the case that the actual document that will be uploaded is much, much more important than the actual product we create. This was very frustrating because as an artist, I want to make things, not write documents all day.
I would only recommend the CMGT to someone that is:

1) In need of a guided education about the basics of game making (equivalent of easy to get courses online) but more expensive of course

2) Interested in living in the Netherlands and experiencing the culture

3) Looking for an “easy” bachelor that can be obtained if you put in a bit of effort

4) A hardworking individual that does the bachelor on the side while advancing in their own domain of interest.

Afterword: At the end of my study, I was so removed from what I actually wanted to learn that I could not advance professionally in the field I wanted to work in (concept art). Instead, I learned some things about UI design, which to be honest is a topic I really don’t care about.

**Important Note: The last 2 years of my studies were impacted by the covid pandemic.

Programme: Games Studies
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Enschede, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
Student Life
February 1, 2024
Anonymous user

Thanks for the review. Do you know what is the acceptance rate? Is it difficult to be accepted to the studies?

Reply to @Anonymous user

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